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프로젝트 설명

Whoson (WHO iS ONline) is a proposed Internet
protocol that allows Internet server programs know
if a particular (dynamically allocated) IP
address is currently allocated to a known
(trusted) user and, optionally, the identity of
the said user. The protocol could be used by an
SMTP Message Transfer System in conjunction with
anti-spam-relaying filters to implement a scheme
similar to the one described here to allow roaming
customers use their "home" SMTP server to submit
email while connected from a "foreign" network.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2003-09-28 06:23

이것은 주로 유지 보수 릴리스입니다. 클라이언트 API가없는 경우 서버가 사용할 수 있었던 그런 일이 있었는지이 수정 프로그램이 메모리 누수를 포함 몇 가지 정리.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
This is mostly a maintenance release. It fixes a memory
leak in the client API that happened if no servers were
available, and includes a few cleanups.

2003-03-18 23:19

Tags: Minor bugfixes

2001-09-27 22:29

새로운 보안 기능.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
New security features.

2001-07-24 19:16

Tags: Minor bugfixes

Project Resources