Project Description

AsterClick is a system for developing with Asterisk AMI and HTML5 WebSockets. It is composed of two parts: a server-side middleware and a client-side JavaScript class. The server-side middleware mediates between Asterisk AMI and multiple HTML5 browsers connected via WebSockets. The JavaScript class manages the WebSockets connection and provides methods like addEventListener() and removeEventListener() that take AMI events as parameters. AsterClick does away with browsers polling servers by exploiting the persistent nature of HTML5 WebSocket connections. The communications protocol between client and server is based on XML. Commands can be sent via the JavaScript class using XML strings, XML objects, or JSON objects. A client can connect to multiple Asterisk servers at the same time. The server-side component of AsterClick has hooks for both custom AsterClick commands and server side plugins and related events that all share the same XML stream.

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2022-08-20 06:37
Review by Gshshsjsjs

(0 of 0 people found this review helpful)
Shshdjdkdld djdjdjdkd sjdjdjdjd jjd

2011-01-04 16:41
Review by Anonymous

(0 of 0 people found this review helpful)
This is actually the only truly event driven HTML5 webSocket interface on the planet for asterisk AMI. They also have a tool that makes those HTML5 applications into stand alone desktop executables for Windows and Linux, so actually no browser or web server is required at all if one does not want them.
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