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프로젝트 설명

Aleph One is an open-source descendant of Bungie's _Marathon 2_ first-person 3D shooting game. A1 plays Marathon 2, Infinity, and 3rd-party content on a wide array of platforms, with (optional) OpenGL rendering, Internet play, Lua scripting, and m...

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined

Released at 2014-02-22 12:18
AlephOneJP(実行用ランタイム) 1.1.0-0 (2 files Hide)

Release Notes

pfhorumで話題になっていますが1.1でエンジンのデフォルトの挙動が変わったため新しめのシナリオ(Eternal, RubiconXなど)はそのままだとうまく動かないらしいです

