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프로젝트 설명

Cactus is a general, modular, parallel environment for solving systems of partial differential

equations. The code has been developed over many years by a large international collaboration of numerical relativity and computational science research groups and can be used to provide a portable platform for solving any system of partial differential equations.

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2004-11-03 02:10 Back to release list
4.0 beta 15

이 릴리스은 SGI Altix, 인텔 EM64T (그리고 아마도 AMD64에서뿐만 아니라), 그리고 X 박스에 대한 지원을 추가 보간 인터페이스 라인 맥 OS X에서 테스트를 병렬로 작업을 가져옵니다 감소 인터페이스 revamps Cygwin에서 사용하려면 Windows 지원 변경 사항 ActiveState Perl은 Perl의가 아닌, 라인 방식을 가시 주류 만드는 여러 버그 수정 및 문서를 추가합니다.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
This release adds support for SGI Altix, Intel EM64T (and presumably
AMD64 as well), and Xbox, revamps the reduction interface to bring it in
line with the interpolation interface, tests parallel operation on MacOS
X, changes the Windows support to use the Cygwin Perl rather than the
ActiveState Perl, makes the method of lines thorn mainstream, and adds
many bug and documentation fixes.

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